Web Analytics

Let's transcend beyond ordinary reports and commonplace findings.

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Web Analytics

Web Analytics

Move beyond the "average reports" & common "findings". If you had a small business, a medium enterprise, or a Fortune 500 INC company, and you need a Digital Analytics expert who can understand your measurement objectives, who knows how tools like Google Analytics can help, analyze your analytics data, and manage your making right business decisions and further measures performance. Count on Star Web Maker; we have a team of Google Analytics certified professionals having experience in helping many organizations globally with every aspect of digital analytics right from set up & reporting to market research & analysis with actionable insights.

Digital Analytics - Tracking, Reporting & Analysis

But it turns out Google Analytics, just like Site Catalyst, Web Trends, and other web analytics tools already have plenty of pretty valuable deeply insightful stuff in it. Yet so few people have mastered what's already there. Sometimes I wonder if we should actually be all that excited about the insanely cool stuff if the sanely cool stuff remains unmetered. As we hopefully look forward to an exciting year, let's take a moment to address the latter challenge. Allow me to help you with your resolution of mastering the sanely cool stuff! One way to do it is for me to just tell you what my top ten Google Analytics reports are that you could familiarize yourself with. The problem is that you'll know where to go, but not what to look for when you get there.

Define Measurement Goals

Deciding to develop a health information program with community partners is a creative opportunity. You may be starting a new type of program or finally getting to something for which you've seen a need for a long time. Either way, you have a fresh slate and the chance to think about the program's goals and its hoped-for impact. Goals are the starting point for planning a program. Remember that a program's success will rest, in part, on whether you have buy-in from key stakeholders of the group you want to reach. Planning for goals they find important will make your project relevant, help to ensure sustainability, and encourage participation and partnerships.

Create Implementation Plan

Our team designs the perfect digital analytics implementation for every business, small or big. If you are using Google Analytics, our team defines code snippets & specific product features in our implementation plan to help you make true business decisions & improve productivity.

Google Analytics Set Up

If you're an intermediate to advanced Google Analytics user, this article will probably be of little interest to you personally. I suggest you bookmark it anyway as a reference for clients or friends who are just starting out with Analytics.

In-Depth Analysis

An in-depth analysis is more of a discussion of the implicit meaning of these aforementioned things in relation to the themes and the author's message. This could involve focusing on a few specific aspects of the novel, such as the diction or narration style, or it could be a general skimming of multiple tactics that the author utilizes.

Document Technical Environment

For more concrete analytics tracking, our digital analytics experts document the technical environment involved to answer questions like - What are the server technologies you're using? Whether your business is active on mobile? Is your website responsive? Do the technologies you're using make it possible to track everything we need to track & a lot more.

Implement the Planned Model

There is no one perfect strategic planning process or model to use the same way all the time with every organization. Each organization should customize the best approach to suit the culture of its members, the current situation in and around the organization, and the purpose of its planning.

Maintain & Improve

Once you release the first version of your software product and the marketing machine is starting to roll on, you might think about what to do next. You probably think about all the great features which haven't made it into the 1.0 and are now waiting to be implemented. You can't wait to start your editor and start hacking right away. But wait! Think twice about what you do next because adding features to software is quite different after you released it.

Advanced Reporting

The Advanced reporting suite enables you to get a bird's eye view of your helpdesk as well as your customer base. It also enables you to generate timesheet reports which you can use to invoice your clients and generate customer satisfaction reports to understand the satisfaction levels of your customer. It includes the following reports: